Maple Class 
Welcome to Year 6
Our Teacher is Miss Foyle
Want to see what we are covering this
term? Click here!
- PE Kit is to be worn on a Monday. These lessons will consist of one outdoor lesson and one indoor lesson. These will be taught by myself or Lorenzo from Bee Active.
- The children need to be reading a MINIMUM of 3 times outside of school. Diaries will be checked daily. It is the children's responsibility to write in their dairy and get you to sign it. The children must be reading aloud to you, not to themselves. This will improve their fluency and speed of reading which is crucial for their Reading SATs. The children will be rewarded with Dojos. If they read a minimum of 3 times a week, they are entered into a draw where they get the chance to win a book! This happens weekly in celebration assembly.
- If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. My school email is
- We aim to encourage and assist all children to achieve excellent levels of attendance and punctuality. In order for your child to reach their full potential it is imperative that they are in school on time every day. Year 6 is ran on a tight learning schedule to ensure that all content your child may need in their SATs is covered and revised/ recapped. If they miss days, they will miss important learning.
- School doors open at 8.40am for a 8.45 am start and ends at 3.15pm. The children will exit out of the classroom doors and onto the staff car park. If you wish for your child to walk round and meet you (if you are collecting other siblings) or to walk to the car/ home you will need to give permission in writing at the office. If we do not have this then your child will need to collected by a responsible adult.
Our Learning so far...
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